Pymsaforest Data
The direction of PYMSAFOREST, for us to achieve our planned objectives, based on the risks and oportunities perceived, that are also seen as a short, medium and long range strategies, is to mantain ourselves as a leading company in the sector of the manufacture of treated wooden poles for electric and telephonic lines and the treatment of wood with hydrosoluble copper based salts and creosote due to its product quality, the compliance with the legal requirements and to comply with our clients with a service that fulfill their demands. We are convinced that this way we will be able to fidelize our clients and be able to grow within the sector. We implemented a quality management system in compliance with ISO 9001:2015 Standard, this way we oblige to:
- Always be well informed of the operation of the company within the sector and the environment data(commercial, legal, economic), considered basic to set our strategy and objectives.
- Training of our staff in knowledge, competence and good disposition.
- Always be equipped with the suitable means, documentaries and materials, for the good development of the processes, incorporating subcontractors with their means and their personnel at the same level as our own.
- Ensure that the quality management system fulfills its control mission, achieving a high percentage of product acceptance; and in its mission of continuous improvement, analyzing the data and results necessary to always plan preventively. Thus consolidating a permanent advance in all aspects.
This policy is made public and its knowledge and understanding is mandatory for all company personnel. It is available to all interested parties and the Directorate will always give a detailed account of the effects of its implementation.
General responsabilities;
The direction of the company shall define and document its compromise to implement and maintain the requisites of the chain of custody in concordance with the Standard PEFC ST 2002:2020. The compromise of the organisation shall be available to the personal, clients, supliers and other concerned parties.
Social requisites and security and accupational health in the chain of custody:
- Do not forbid the workers from associate freely, elect their representatives, neither negociate as a collective with the employer.
- Do not make use of forced labor,
- Do not make use of working force under the minimum legal age of 15 years old, or below the compulsory school age, whichever is higher,
- Do not prevent the equal opportunities of employement and treat to the workers,
- Working conditions do not en danger the safety or health of workers.